βπ½ Register
π§πΎβπ€βπ§πΎ Team Meeting
Learning Objectives
Led by π© Meeting Leader
Before you came to class today, you should have completed the prep and signed the Trainee Agreement and the Code of Conduct. Please now make sure you have signed the register. Sign it as soon as you come in. The register isnβt just for attendance rules; we need to know who is in the building if thereβs a fire, so please donβt sign in for anyone else.
We will start with a team meeting. We will introduce ourselves, identify the tasks we will take on for the day, and review the plan for our day together.
Today we will do two workshops on the Google AI Essentials course. The trainer is an experienced specialist who can really help us get the most out of this course.
After the workshops, we will work on the Roles project together.
Then we will wrap and go for a cup of tea together.
But first, letβs get to know each other. Everyone put your hands in the air. Wiggle those fingers! Meeting Leader, please begin by saying hello and then:
- your name
- what task you are responsible for today (like π₯ͺ Lunch, β° Timekeeper, etc)
- one thing you are looking forward to today
Then point to someone else and ask them to do the same. Keep going until everyone has said hello and put their hands down.
β‘ Zip Zap Boing!
Learning Objectives
π Zip Zap Boing Gameplay
In a single group, have participants stand in a circle. This game works best with 5 or more players and must be played in person.
Make your zipzapper
Press your hands together in front of you, palms facing each other to make your energy zipzapper. Crackle! Feel the energy between your hands!
Point your zipzapper to the person next to you, and say “Zip”.
Point your zipzapper at anyone in the circle and say “Zap”.
Now, put both hands up in the air, jump, and say “Boing!” This reverses the direction of play.
Play the game
One person starts by saying “Zip” and pointing to another person in the circle. That person then has three options:
- Zip the person on your left or right.
- Zap anyone in the circle.
- Boing the energy back to them, which reverses the direction of play.
The game continues with players reacting quickly to keep the energy flowing.
If someone hesitates or makes a mistake, they’re out.
Evolve the game
Add variations to increase complexity and challenge
- Round 2: Add a new word “Zop” which skips the next person in the circle
- Round 3: Players must use a different gesture for each word (e.g., point for Zip, thumbs up for Zap, jazz hands for Boing)
- Round 4: Increase the speed - anyone who takes more than 2 seconds to respond is out
π§πΏβπ« Trainer Led Workshop
Learning Objectives
Today we will do workshops on the Google AI Essentials course. The trainer is an experienced specialist who can really help us get the most out of this course.
You should already have completed the online modules for this course. The trainer will help you to understand the content, develop and apply the skills, and answer any questions you have.

Module 1: Introduction to AI
π Discover how AI works and explore foundational AI concepts, such as machine learning (ML). Learn about the rise of generative AI and how to perform tasks with it. By the end of this module, youβll have an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of AI tools and how to integrate generative AI in the workplace.
π½οΈ Community Lunch
Every Saturday we cook and eat together. We share our food and our stories. We learn about each other and the world. We build community.
This is everyone’s responsibility, so help with what is needed to make this happen, for example, organising the food, setting up the table, washing up, tidying up, etc. You can do something different every week. You don’t need to be constantly responsible for the same task.
π§πΏβπ« Trainer Led Workshop
Learning Objectives
Today we will do workshops on the Google AI Essentials course. The trainer is an experienced specialist who can really help us get the most out of this course.
You should already have completed the online modules for this course. The trainer will help you to understand the content, develop and apply the skills, and answer any questions you have.

Module 2: Maximize Productivity with AI Tools
π Leverage generative AI tools to speed up work tasks and boost your productivity. Examine the important role humans play in the effective use of AI, and understand the types of workplace tasks you can augment with AI. By the end of this module, you will be able to determine if AI is right for a given task and how to use AI to accelerate workflows.
π« Afternoon Break
Please feel comfortable and welcome to pray at this time if this is part of your religion.
If you are breastfeeding and would like a private space, please let us know.
The Roles Project π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
As you explore the Google AI Essentials course, you will apply what you are learning to this project. In Roles you will act as different people participating in the hiring process. Each role has its own perspective through which you are seeing the same information. You’ll come to understand:
- why recruiters only spend six seconds reading a CV
- why interviewers don’t always pick the “best coder”
- what drives the use of AI to filter out your application before a human ever sees it
- why your cover letter reads just like everyone else’s
…And many other things besides. You must take on all 4 roles during your three weeks of this course. So you will need to find efficiencies to get through the work.
Starting role
For this project to work, you can’t all do the same role at the same time. Therefore, we will assign based on quarters of the year. If your birthday is Q1, start with Recruiter on sprint 1.
Birthday Quarter | Role in Sprint 1 | Roles in Sprint 2 | Roles in Sprint 3 |
Jan, Feb, Mar | Recruiter | Hiring Manager | Interviewer, Candidate |
Apr, May, Jun | Hiring Manager | Interviewer | Candidate, Recruiter |
Jul, Aug, Sep | Interviewer | Candidate, Recruiter | Hiring Manager |
Oct, Nov, Dec | Candidate | Recruiter, Hiring Manager | Interviewer |
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
There isn’t a mentor to lead your team: all trainees must work together to complete the project. How will you share the work so you can get it all done? What tips can you share with each other? How can teamwork, including robot friends, help?
How to submit
You must produce at least one artefact per role. The documents are described in the role assignments.
- π― Topic Communication
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Teamwork
- π― Topic Time Management
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π Sprint 1
π Wrap
You are done for the day. Take a moment to reflect on what you have learned and achieved.
Stand in a circle and share:
- π your name
- πͺπ½ one thing you achieved today
- π·πΎ the task you are going to work on next
- π one thing you need help with
Give yourselves a round of applause. Now you have earned your rest. Usually people go for a cup of tea or a pint after class. You are welcome to join and wind down together.