πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸΎ day-plan

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πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸΎ Team Meeting

Learning Objectives

Led by 🎩 Meeting Leader

We will start with a team meeting. We will introduce ourselves, identify the tasks we will take on for the day, and review the plan for our day together.

Today we will do our last workshop on the Google AI Essentials course.

After the workshop, we will work on the Roles project together.

Then this afternoon we will have a little wrap party to celebrate completing the course. πŸŽ‰

But first, let’s find out who is doing what today. Everyone put your hands in the air. Wiggle those fingers! Meeting Leader, please begin by saying hello and then:

  • your name
  • what task you are responsible for today (like πŸ₯ͺ Lunch, ⏰ Timekeeper, etc)
  • the thing you need most help with today

Then point to someone else and ask them to do the same. Keep going until everyone has said hello and put their hands down.

πŸ”€ Word Chain

Learning Objectives

A fast-paced word association game that works for both in-person and online groups of any size. If you are playing online, write the order of players in the chat to keep track of who is next.

Set a timer for

  1. The first player says any word.
  2. The next player must say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. For example: cat β†’ tree β†’ elephant β†’ tower
  3. Continue around the circle or moving clockwise on Zoom gallery.
  4. If a player takes longer than 5 seconds or repeats a word, they’re out.
  5. Last player standing wins.
  • Restrict words to specific categories (animals, countries, food)
  • Words must be exactly 4 letters long
  • Words must be related to the previous word in meaning

πŸ§‘πŸΏβ€πŸ« Trainer Led Workshop

Learning Objectives

Today we will do workshops on the Google AI Essentials course. The trainer is an experienced specialist who can really help us get the most out of this course.

You should already have completed the online modules for this course. The trainer will help you to understand the content, develop and apply the skills, and answer any questions you have.

🍽️ Community Lunch

Every Saturday we cook and eat together. We share our food and our stories. We learn about each other and the world. We build community.

This is everyone’s responsibility, so help with what is needed to make this happen, for example, organising the food, setting up the table, washing up, tidying up, etc. You can do something different every week. You don’t need to be constantly responsible for the same task.

The Roles Project πŸ”—


Why are we doing this?

It’s time to complete your Roles Project. This project will be different every time it is run, because as AI evolves, the solutions you discover will always be changing. So we’re really interested in what you make! If possible, please run a Google Meet in the afternoon to share some of your work with the wider CYF community. We want to know what you have learned! Please particularly invite mentors in #cyf-employment and career mentors.

Starting role

For this project to work, you can’t all do the same role at the same time. If your birthday is Q1, you will act as both interviewer and candidate in Sprint 3.

Birthday QuarterRoles in Sprint 3
Jan, Feb, MarInterviewer, Candidate
Apr, May, JunCandidate, Recruiter
Jul, Aug, SepHiring Manager
Oct, Nov, DecInterviewer

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

There isn’t a mentor to lead your team: all trainees must work together to complete the project. How will you share the work so you can get it all done? What tips can you share with each other? How can teamwork, including robot friends, help?

How to submit

You must produce at least one artefact per role. The documents are described in the role assignments. We are also particularly looking for Friday demos on this topic, so please come and demo something you have made, learned, or discovered during this project this Friday if you can!

  • 🎯 Topic Problem-Solving
  • 🎯 Topic Teamwork
  • 🎯 Topic Time Management
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ“… Sprint 3

πŸ«– Afternoon Break

Please feel comfortable and welcome to pray at this time if this is part of your religion.

If you are breastfeeding and would like a private space, please let us know.

Wrap Party

You made it! πŸŽ‰

Thank you so much for your hard work. We will send out your credentials by email in the next two weeks. πŸ“§

Now, join the wrap party and celebrate your achievements with your community. 🎈

Can you bring a snack or drink to share? πŸͺπŸ₯€ Or a board game? We love Dixit, Codenames, and Rush Hour in particular.