
PD content available to the CYF curriculum

  1. Active listening

  2. Agreements

  3. Asking good technical questions

  4. Backlog Refinement and Planning

  5. Bad Interview Answers

  6. Ball Point Game

  7. Childcare support

  8. Collective job hunt

  9. Conflict Resolution

  10. Create groups for JS1

  11. Create groups for JS2

  12. Create groups for JS3

  13. Create groups for React

  14. Critical Thinking

  15. CYF Code of Conduct

  16. Define your product's MVP

  17. Demo Time!

  18. Demo your product

  19. Design your product

  20. Developer Communication

  21. Difficult workplace conversations

  22. Discuss the needs of employers

  23. Diversity and Inclusion

  24. Fail Fast Prep

  25. Failing Fast

  26. Feedback

  27. Find and analyse a Job Description - Prep

  28. Gathering requirements Prep

  29. General Weekly Availability

  30. Goal of the Portfolio Module

  31. Goal setting and planning

  32. Google sheet for Slack rota

  33. Growth Mindset

  34. Identify pairs per week

  35. Importance of helping each other

  36. Importance of helping each other prep

  37. Importance of Professional Development

  38. Introspection in groups

  39. Job Descriptions and Questions for Employers

  40. Job Hunting and Mock Interview

  41. Launch - Prep

  42. Learn about Slack

  43. Let's get jobs

  44. Non-Verbal Communication

  45. Pairs for next week

  46. Population Block

  47. Portfolio Module: Prep work for planning

  48. Prep - Asking Good Questions

  49. Prep - Public Speaking / Circles of Influence

  50. Prep - Sell yourself

  51. Prep and plan your product

  52. Prep Collaborative job hunt

  53. Prep Conflict Resolution

  54. Prep Critical Thinking

  55. Prep CYF Blocks presentation

  56. Prep Developer Communication

  57. Prep Difficult workplace conversations

  58. Prep for active listening

  59. Prep for Diversity and Inclusion

  60. Prep for Feedback

  61. Prep for Growth Mindset

  62. Prep for Introspection

  63. Prep for SMART Goals

  64. Prep for WIP-Work in Progress

  65. Prep Job Hunting and Mock Interview

  66. Prep Non-verbal Communication

  67. Prep Problem Solving

  68. Prep Resilience

  69. Prep Roles in Tech

  70. Prep Teamwork Project

  71. Prep the work for the week

  72. Prep Transferable Skills

  73. Prep Understanding employers needs

  74. Prep Value and Work Not Done

  75. Prep Working Software and Done

  76. Prep your Demo presentation

  77. Present CYF Blocks project

  78. Problem Solving

  79. Public Speaking / Circles of Influence

  80. Resilience

  81. Retrospective

  82. Reviewing and improving goals

  83. Roles in the tech industry

  84. SDC Goals and expectations

  85. Sell yourself

  86. Setting SMART Goals

  87. Sprint planning

  88. Teamwork Project Presentation prep

  89. Teamwork Project S1

  90. Teamwork Project S2

  91. Teamwork Project S3

  92. Teamwork Project S4

  93. Transferable skills

  94. User research

  95. Using the Slack app

  96. Value and Work Not Done

  97. What is the Launch module

  98. WIP and Feedback

  99. Working Software and Done

  100. Writing user stories